Working Together
Van Maren Systems will be the first in Europe to integrate the preparation of the recycled material in the production of components.
Helping and involving each other is the key to our success.
Working together in the project
In 2009, the consortium of Van Maren Systems, Ecotech and Recycle Belgium submitted their first proposal to the call of the Eco-Innovation program, based on the same project. Unfortunately, the proposal did not make it. The evaluation report however showed that the committee regarded the concept as strong and promising.
The consortium decided to resubmit the proposal in 2011. They further enhanced the technical designs, investigated environmental benefits in more detail, and improved their concept. It turned out to be quite unique that the program evaluated the resubmitted proposal positively. The participants believe this could only be done thanks to the very constructive and positive attitude of all involved. All partners were focused to work together, help each other and make this concept happen, in which they so strongly believe.
The secret of the successful longstanding cooperation between Ecotech and Van Maren Systems is their similar ideas about how to fit their products perfectly to their customer’s requirements.
The availability of a sufficient volume of input material is seen as one of the main success factors of the project. Recycle Belgium is the specialized partner to work on this with Van Maren Systems. This already led to the success of making a deal with fellow participant Omrin.
Omrin as the waste supplier and Ecotech as the manufacture expert are all increasingly involved in the product design phase. This, they are sure, is the key to their joint success.