Van Maren Systems will be the first in Europe to integrate the preparation of the recycled material in the production of components.
5 strong participants are focused to make this happen.
Van Maren Systems BV
Van Maren Systems BV (VMS), based in the Netherlands, is specialized in the design, development and production of plastic pallet components made out of recycled materials. They use clever ideas to create recycled material solutions that help lower the operational costs of their customers. VMS is the initiator and coordinator of the RecycledPalletSystem project.
Ecotech is based in the Marche, Italy. This company is fully dedicated to the production of recycled plastic products (by using proprietary injection moulding techniques) and the separation of plastic waste. They are always experimenting with new production techniques, in combination with creative choices of materials.
Recycle Belgium bvba
Recycle Belgium was set up as a vehicle to secure supply of raw materials to the recycling industry. They are focusing on projects with recycled plastics as the basis input-material and on a scrap-tire recycling project. Jan Jonkman, their founder, has more than 20 years experience in handling waste-streams both within Europe as well as exports to Asia. They recently launched an initiative around waste tires, Black Bear Carbon.
Omrin manages a unique waste management facility in Friesland, a province in the North of the Netherlands. Omrin collects, recylcles and processes waste on behalf of the Friesian municipalities, who are all shareholder in this company. Sustainaibility is in Omrin’s genes. Their objective is to convert all 250.000 tons of waste into sustainable and useful applications for the local economy. Omrin will be the plastic waste supplier for the production facility of Recycled Pallet system, and the production plant will be built at Omrin’s waste management park: Ecopark De Wierde.
Partners for Innovation
Partners for Innovation is a Dutch consultancy company for sustainable innovation. Together with their clients they aim to achieve profitable solutions for a biobased and circular economy. Part of the project management activities for RecycledPalletSystem have been outsourced to them. Furthermore, they are supporting the project in several other activities such as business planning and Life Cycle Analysis.