Van Maren Systems will be the first in Europe to integrate the preparation of the recycled material in the production of components.
Post consumer plastic waste is difficult to re-use in sophisticated applications. This is because it consists of different types of incompatible plastics and contains contaminations. Therefore, this type of waste is currently usually incinerated or, at best, recycled in a way that has relatively low environmental benefits. It is mainly used in lower quality applications with limited market application, such as artificial wood for garden furniture or parking poles.
For the RecycledPalletSystem project a new recycling and production process has been created that has considerable benefits. It leads to better quality plastic, a higher output (thus lower cost) and a better energy efficiency.
With this new technology and in the new production facility, ultimately, an equivalent of 16 kilotons of waste material (equivalent to approximately 1% of the total EU market) will be annually reused in a high quality application, pallet components.
The focus in the project will be on the production of pallet-blocks, replacing wooden (and wood composite) blocks. The choice to initially focus on blocks has been made because using recycled plastics for this part of a pallet has the clearest benefits. The blocks can also easily be combined with wood components.
The recycled plastic pallet block compete with the wood (composite) block, as it is less costly to maintain, more durable and fully recyclable (as opposed to wood blocks). The project foresees full recovery of end-of-life pallet components and thereby creates a closed materials loop.