Our business is innovation. We generate new ideas based on recycling plastic and convert them into useful products for your industry.
Innovation for you
Our business is innovation. We generate new ideas based on recycling plastic and convert them into useful products for your industry. Our recycled products are better, lighter and cheaper! Our optimal formulated plastic blends perform with the same characteristics as virgin material.
How to get from ideas and concepts to new pallet systems? How to save on weight and material costs? How to combine plastic with other materials intelligently and skillfully? How to shorten the time to market? We have answers because we fully understand how your pallet, packaging and material handling equipment interact during product distribution and storage.
Waste companies, in charge of recycling, no longer promote themselves as waste processors. They are evolving from waste services providers into suppliers of raw materials and expertise. Their increasing involvement in our product design phase is the key to success. Read more
Working on eco-innovation means that we are always looking to make the environmental impact of our products as low as possible. To underpin this, we are doing Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) studies. We compare the impact of our pallet components made of recycled plastics to those made of wood and compressed wood. Read more