Jean-Marc van Maren founded Van Maren Systems already in 2003.
Jean-Marc van Maren (1960) founded the company in 2003. He saw great possibilities for product innovation in the pallet industry but was also caught by the business opportunities of plastic recycling. This was long before the environment became a real issue in most boardrooms.
My working drive is to create an economic advantage for my customers.
Jean-Marc van Maren
Jean-Marc has been working in several management positions at corporate leaders in the industry, both in Europe and USA. He has always wanted to work with plastics, right from the start. In the end, corporate and managerial life could no longer offer him what he wanted. He wanted to feel the products in his own hands again, and work on product innovation, with an ecological twist: Eco-innovation.
He is dedicated to achieving results and sincerely believes that people make the difference and is effective in his ability to positively involve them in order to create upcycling solutions,
His challenge is to specifically use the most difficult plastic waste stream: post consumer waste. “The way I see it, is that in the future all plastic items for which there are no aesthetic nor (100% smooth) surface requirements, will be made from recycled plastics. The ecological footprint is simply so much better. The pallet industry is only an example, but much more is possible.”